Privacy Policy for Wikerøy

Wikerøy must treat your personal information safely and with respect. This statement gives you information about how we treat your personal information.

Wikerøy treats personal information about our existing, past and potential customers, web site users and other channels where we are in contact with our customers. We are responsible for the processing of your personal data processed by us in a legal and secure manner. This implies:

  • Collect personal information
  • Register your personal information
  • Save personal information
  • Disclose personal information
  • Delete personal information

If you have questions related to our privacy statement or our processing of personal information, please contact us directly.

Why do we save personal information?

In short, it makes everyday life a bit easier for us and you. We are committed to providing you with the best service we can. In order to do this and deliver our services to you, there is some information we need to know.

We only store the information we need to provide you with good services. What types of information are stored depends on your customer relationship with us. It may also be appropriate to store information to send you relevant offers or information about our services.
Here is an overview of information that we can save:

  • Full Name
  • Address
  • Phone
  • E-mail address
  • Customer History and our communication with you
  • Billing Information
  • Organization / Company you are working for
  • Job Title / Position of Work
  • Any allergies / Facilities for health needs

In cases where information is still stored after your customoer relation with us has ended, the information will be anonymized.
Everyone working with Wikerøy has confidentiality regarding your customer relationship and personal information.

How do we process personal information?

Wikerøy use some systems that may be of importance to you when you are in contact with us. These are the most important and how we use them:

  • Newsletter: If we send you a newsletter, you will already know that you have said “yes” to join it
  • E-mail: Emails sent to us are stored as long as you are a customer of us, or up to three years, so that we will be able to answer you sooner next time. We encourage our customers not to send sensitive information via unencrypted email
  • Contact form: Information from the contact form on our website will not be stored longer than we can answer you.
  • Accounting: We will store the information necessary to receive and send invoices between you and us

We are required to comply with current laws for processing personal data.

Website Statistics

We use different tools to analyze traffic on our web sites and offer our visitors a better user experience.

  • Cookies

Wikerøy uses cookies (popularly called cookies) to provide you with better services. By using our website, you agree that we put these in your browser. Most of the newer browsers are set up to automatically accept cookies.
If you do not want this, you can change the settings in your browser.

  • Google Analytics

Wikerøy uses Google Analytics to collect anonymous information about visitors to our website. The data is used, among other things, to see how many visitors visit the website, how long the visit lasts, what subpages they visit, and what browsers are being used to access the page. The information sent to Google Analytics is anonymized and will not be associated with you as a person before you may submit a contact form to us.

  • How long do we store the information?

We will not store information about you longer than is necessary. This means that we store the information you have provided as long as you are a customer. In order to provide you with good service, we also store information about any work done for you for up to three years after you have joined us as a customer.

  • Review and deletion of information

You have the right to access the personal information we have stored about you (unless parts of these are excluded by law). If you would like us to disclose, change or delete personal information stored about you, feel free to contact us.

  • Responsible data processor

There is always the general manager at Wikerøy who is responsible for processing personal data. The person is responsible for following up the storage, updating and deletion of all information we have.


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